
Coordination solutions

Care coordination solutions can Accelerate COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout


In today’s era, patient engagement is still fragmented and disconnected in many ways. The standards and procedures are not aligned—and physicians are communicating with patients in different ways.

Let’s face it! Digital technology adoption in healthcare is not on par with the industry expectation, and this could be a major hindrance to achieving the desired immunity goals in 2021.

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is experiencing a high demand—highlighting the significance of the “last mile” in making the vaccine available to the consumers. While healthcare leaders continue to reiterate the importance of logistics in COVID-19 vaccine rollout, it is critical that health systems leverage the capabilities of care coordination solutions to foster the vaccination outreach programs to make it available to the patients at the right time. The key to successful patient engagement is to “meet the patients where they are”.

In today’s era, patient engagement is still fragmented and disconnected in many ways. The standards and procedures are not aligned—and physicians are communicating with patients in different ways.

Patient Engagement Cannot Function as Individual Water-tight Compartments

Cohesiveness is the key to successful patient management. Healthcare systems need to understand that labyrinthine care coordination systems and disorganized workflows can lead to patient dissatisfaction and poor health outcomes. A healthcare consumer noted that it had taken him over an hour to just get an appointment to get tested for COVID-19, along with a frustrating experience of making about 14 different phone calls to the hospital.

With the emergence of the pandemic in the U.S, our first approach at SolvEdge was to look at ways of customizing and leveraging our patient engagement platform to help our clients mitigate the impact and efficiently handle the sudden influx of patients. We established a combination of workflows to meet the changing needs of our customers in terms of creating new environments for support like hospital beyond walls, ensuring financial stability by aligning our revenue cycle solutions to the new federal policies in terms of COVID-19 vaccine coding, bundled payment solutions, Accelerated and Advance Payment Program, and other CMS payment policies and regulatory flexibilities during COVID-19 emergency

Chatbots and Conversational AI

Chatbots and AI automation are yet another way to meet the influx of patients and their growing demands around the vaccine. Automation could resolve complexities including documentation, follow ups of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines, patient intake and scheduling processes among many others. Also, consider the cost-efficiency in terms of leveraging chatbots versus training thousands of individuals to carry out the same activities.

Automated chatbots can facilitate patient engagement through patient’s preferred channels and help them with scheduling, appointment reminders, patient outreach, education, medication adherence, post recovery and beyond.

Personalization is key to driving desirable consumer experiences. It goes a long way when the chatbot knows the patient’s name or the name of the patient’s doctor, or even the due date for the patient to get the next vaccination. Healthcare tech with a human touch makes a significant difference to patient experience and satisfaction.

The SolvEdge Advantage

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought sweeping changes, specifically in the healthcare sector. And the rising patient demand for COVID-19 vaccine can be streamlined by using automated patient consent forms and health history—thereby removing the possible friction in the process. Post the vaccine, the data-driven and customized dashboard lets providers track any symptoms or adverse reaction to be able to make timely interventions as needed. SolvEdge’s patient engagement platform also goes through intensive testing and audit to ensure smooth functioning of the portal, without a hitch!

To learn more about how our comprehensive patient engagement solutions can help mitigate impact and maximize outcomes in the COVID-19 era,
talk to our team.

SolvEdge Simplifying Healthcare Experiences

From our humble beginnings as a healthcare start-up—to becoming a full-blown healthcare-exclusive digital transformation provider, our journey has been quite a remarkable one. Today, SolvEdge is a leading-edge Healthcare services and solutions provider—trusted by 450+ Hospitals, 3500+ Physicians and millions of patients across the globe.

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