Improve Medication Adherence

Harnessing Care Pathway Management Solutions to Improve Medication Adherence


Continuous collaboration and patient engagement can help patients adhere to their medication schedules.

Medication nonadherence is a detrimental factor that could have a negatively long-lasting influence on the overall care journey, ultimately impacting health outcomes. To evaluate the issue and bring comprehensive solutions, we need to take a more holistic approach by analyzing the shared responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in the care journey.


Legacy processes and disintegrated systems that lack collaboration tools to communicate patient adherence to stakeholders could lead to several complexities. Consider the fact that nonadherence to prescribed medications alone is prognosticated to cost a staggering $100 billion preventable expenses every year.

To evaluate the issue and bring comprehensive solutions, we need to take a more holistic approach by analyzing the shared responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in the care journey
Medication Adherence Challenges

Treatment adherence involves multiple factors and key challenges including complex health systems and patient-physician coordination. Here’s how each of these stakeholders could be improved adherence responsibilities.

Improving Patient Compliance with Medication

When a patient forgets to take the medicines or changes the medications altogether, there is a common notion that non-adherence is solely due to patients’ negligence or it’s primarily just the patients’ responsibility, and not that of the Hospital. This results from legacy systems and a lack of cohesive care coordination between the patient and the clinician. Proving a frictionless and superior healthcare experience is critical in getting a more comprehensive view of the patients’ medicine consumption behavioral patterns. So, how do digital healthcare solutions play a transformative role in enhancing medication adherence efficiencies?

How Digital Patient Engagement Solutions can help

Patient engagement solutions that integrate digital health intervention strategies enable a more holistic approach to medication adherence—resulting in better collaboration, Patient Satisfaction Index (PSI) and outcomes. Medication adherence again involves various factors that complete the care pathways—from patient education, appointment reminders, remote patient monitoring, patient scheduling among others. These integrated tools powered through analytics, AI and IoT platforms can help mitigate operational costs, while streamlining workflows, increasing medication adherence and ultimately improving health outcomes.

Collaboration Strategies to Accelerate Team-based Care

Continuous collaboration and patient engagement can help patients adhere to their medication schedules. This can be further enhanced by integrating omnichannel personalization strategies with historical and behavioral insights to deliver hyper-personalized recommendations and actionable next-best steps that improve adherence.

For instance, the RippleCare patient engagement platform is a fully-customizable solution that integrates a medication reminder platform to alert patients to take their medications at timely intervals, while tracking and monitoring their medication intake behaviors. This is especially more critical in chronic care pathway management, considering that the higher the number of medications, the more likely the patient is negligent or forgetful about the various dosages of medicines.

Harnessing Digital to Document Outcomes

Quality insights on a patient’s critical health information help providers with actionable next steps and timely intervention to mitigate risks and enhance follow-up care schedules. Hence, hospitals and practices need to leverage digital capabilities to detect medication nonadherence and further make the required changes to their personalized communication strategies or therapies.

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To learn more about how SolvEdge’s medication management solutions can help improve medication adherence and elevate the overall patient experience and outcomes, talk to our team.

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