Patient Outreach

Patient Outreach Strategies for Hospital and Medical Practices: The Do’s and Don’ts


Successful patient care coordination journeys and patient experiences start with proactive patient outreach programs. It is one of the most critical steps that enhance and elevate care pathway management programs of a healthcare organization.

Successful patient care coordination journeys and patient experiences start with proactive patient outreach programs. It is one of the most critical steps that enhance and elevate care pathway management programs of a healthcare organization. Care providers especially medical practices may face huge operational challenges without having a strategic approach towards reaching out to new patients, re-engaging existing patients and ultimately focusing on patient satisfaction, loyalty and retention.

In the world of healthcare consumerism, patients are overwhelmed with options and are attuned to hyper-personalized experiences as consumers. It is critical that care providers offer patient-centric outreach solutions that deliver personalized, timely and effective care.

Proactive Patient Outreach Solutions

Timely care is amongst the topmost priorities in healthcare. Most often, care providers expect that patients will take the initiatives to visit the Physicians. It is critical that hospitals and medical practices realize the importance of taking strategic measures to improve their patient outreach programs, especially in this competitive landscape. Patients need to have the reassurance that they will get superior patient experiences throughout their care journeys.

To facilitate this, care providers need to integrate healthcare personalization strategies in to their care coordination programs. From Electronic Health Records (EHR), Social Determinants of Health (SDOH), Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO), Hospital Reported Outcomes (HRO), Internet of Things (IoT), wearables and other devices, healthcare systems can harness these valuable data insights to deliver hyper-personalized, automated and timely messages that keep them engaged throughout the care pathway management.

At SolvEdge, our suite of patient management software is equipped with the following intuitive features:

Appointment reminders, patient communication, patient referrals, patient scheduling, patient feedback, smart waitlist, patient outreach, auto-refill appointments, secure chat, mobile patient intake, attribution lists, patient recall, consent forms, care team workflows, value-based care, health screenings, telehealth, zero-contact check-in, zero contact waiting room, pre and post-care messaging,, multilingual messaging, population health, automated campaigns, broadcast messaging, drive-thru healthcare, contactless ER, patient screening surveys, patient monitoring surveys, preventive care scheduling, patient notifications, reporting.

Patient Scheduling Software

Manual methods of patient outreach could be time-consuming and result in frustrating staff burnout. Hospitals and medical practices can consider implementing patient scheduling features that can be seamlessly integrated into the care coordination software. Automating patient scheduling allows patients to easily schedule their doctor’s visits, reschedule or cancel appointments without any friction throughout the process. It also ensures that it prevents administrative burdens and enables staff to focus on higher priority tasks that enhance operational efficiencies.

Leveraging Preventive and Prescriptive Care

In today’s digital era, immersive technologies like Artificial Intelligence, big data and health insights have created huge opportunities to deliver preventive and prescriptive care for the next-gen consumer needs. Care providers can harness big data insights and machine learning capabilities to deliver personalized messages, timely medical interventions, continuous remote patient monitoring, better collaboration amongst stakeholders and cohesive care. Preventive medical test routines can also be streamlined with timely recommendations on upcoming laboratory tests.

Patient Reviews and Feedbacks

Patient experience and satisfaction is a key concern among care providers in this competitive care landscape. Healthcare consumers are most likely to leave reviews, especially in scenarios of high patient satisfaction scores or extremely poor patient experiences. Needless to mention that these reviews play a significant role in the decision-making of tech-savvy consumers who consider these reviews for guiding them in their Physician search.

Care providers and staff can leverage the capabilities of a feedback loop that can be integrated into the patient outreach solution – where happy patients can be encouraged to provide positive reviews about the hospital or the practice.

Presenting CLAFly – SolvEdge’s Flagship Patient Outreach Platform

SolvEdge’s patient outreach program CLAFly, powers a unique dual competence model that synergizes our scientific acumen with cutting-edge technology and data science spanning AI/ML, Deep Learning and NLP/Text Mining Algorithms. SolvEdge’s strategic healthcare solutions are built on 18+ years of industry experience and deep healthcare domain expertise that make us a trusted name among leading Fortune 500 healthcare brands, 480+ Hospitals, 3850+ Physicians and Millions of patients around the globe.

To learn more on effective patient outreach solutions that can accelerate your healthcare organization’s clinical, operational and financial efficiencies, talk to our team

SolvEdge Simplifying Healthcare Experiences

From our humble beginnings as a healthcare start-up—to becoming a full-blown healthcare-exclusive digital transformation provider, our journey has been quite a remarkable one. Today, SolvEdge is a leading-edge Healthcare services and solutions provider—trusted by 450+ Hospitals, 3500+ Physicians and millions of patients across the globe.

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